
“But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (馬可福音10:43-45)

我們相信通過生活旅行和作為精神家庭一起服務的價值;我們是 #bettertogether。我們的事工旨在結合上帝賜給我們的才能,以滿足我們周圍社區的需要。同時,他們為我們的成員創造空間,以找到他們獨特的目的,微調他們的禮物,並放棄跟隨耶穌。因為基督是我們的理智和獎賞,所以我們犧牲了快樂。請了解更多信息 點擊 on the button below or email us at info@everynationtaipei.com. No matter who you are or what you bring to the table, we have a place for you!

MUSIC Ministry

Our heart is for people to experience worship that ushers them into the very presence of God — that allows the Holy Spirit to touch souls, heal hearts and ignite a passion for Jesus. We are after Christ-centered worship that expresses His deep love toward us. Better is one day in His courts than thousands elsewhere! (Psalm 84:10)

God has shown so much goodness and faithfulness in my life and I want to honor Him back and serve Him through the ministry. I love serving in the music ministry as it gives privilege to lead people to praise and worship. I love and appreciate how our team passionately serves,  grows together and build up one another, and it gives me pure joy to serve this amazing and talented people of God.

Sammiee, Guitarist


The Hospitality Ministry team is responsible for making every member and visitor feel welcomed, valued and at home while attending our church services. We endeavor to put a smile on people’s faces with our friendly greetings and genuine warmth. We’re always ready to assist anyone in need. We are here to help church attendees have a pleasant and uplifting experience every Sunday.

“I grew up in a very small town in Northeast Ohio in the United States. What I love the most about serving on the Hospitality Team is that I get to serve in a ministry with people from all over the world and that we get a chance to meet people from all around the globe who love Jesus and are looking for a church family in a foreign country. It’s amazing to see the power and love of Jesus Christ working around the world and not just in the United States where my wife and I are from but also at Every Nation Taipei Church!”.

Matthew, Hospitality Volunteer


Jesus welcomed children and said no one can enter His kingdom unless they become like children. GOD LOVES KIDS. At Every Nation Kids, we want all families to realize this amazing truth. Our excellent and dedicated teachers, some of whom are teachers by profession, collaborate with parents and teach with conviction knowing that God’s Word will best prepare children for the brightest futures possible. We currently use the highly-regarded Superbook Academy Curriculum that makes Sunday School fun and inspiring.

“I love serving at the kids church! The reason I serve in the kids ministry is because Jesus loves little children and I want to take part in teaching kids on how to know more about Jesus and how to love Jesus in a fun way! I appreciate kids church because we are making an impact to the lives of these amazing kids who are the future leaders of the next generation. – Rona  

Rona, EN Kids Teacher


Our Every Nation Campus ministry exists to reach both international and local students to build a strong, supportive community and to ultimately change the world with the gospel. Our close proximity to NTU and other campuses reflects this call. We are eager to invest in students because they are the future leaders and influencers of society. As an Every Nation church, campus ministry is simply in our DNA. Check out our philosophy on campus ministry in the attached link: https://www.everynation.org/why-the-campus/

PRAYER Ministry

The Prayer Ministry exists to cultivate a culture of prayer through deeper connection with God and one another. We lead Friday prayer meetings, worship nights and prayer walks; pre-service prayer; call and response ministry time on Sundays; and consecrated times of focused prayer & fasting. We take time to activate spiritual gifts and discern how the Holy Spirit is leading us personally and as a church. Through it all, our main heart’s cry is to get more of God and give Him the honor due His Name.

“I love serving on the Prayer Team because I feel close to my Father when I pray. Praying for me is just something that comes naturally, like talking to my Mom. I feel I can ask Him anything, and it will be given. Being part of the prayer ministry has opened my eyes and shown me how powerful prayer can be in everyone’s life. I strongly believe that as believers, all of us are part of the prayer warriors that God sent to this world.”

Nicolle, Prayer team Volunteer 



“The reason why I serve, is that people say that I’m pretty good at computers, so why not put those skills to good use.  I love serving the church and I love serving God.  So it’s a perfect for me. What I appreciate most about my team is that even though we’re behind the scenes, we bring so much impact to the service from flashing the sermon slides and the lyrics on the screen, we help create this atmosphere for people to Connect God so if you wanna make a difference, come join media the team. “

Maynard, Media Team Volunteer


Discover the heartbeat behind our Sunday service experience by joining our vibrant Stage Team! Our dedicated volunteers are the backbone of ensuring smooth services each week so people can encounter God. From coordinating the various technical aspects, our Stage Team ensures every moment runs seamlessly on schedule. Come be a part of this essential team and help us craft unforgettable moments that enrich our worship experience.

“I love to serve on the stage management team as it is hands-down, the most epic team across all of Taipei. As a believer I believe called to serve in the kingdom of God. It is truly a pleasure to come on Sundays,  sometimes even early to make the services run smooth so people can hear and experience God without any distractions. What I love and appreciate all the stage management team is it’s people now we teammates, but we’re also friends. We have fun and at the same time we challenge each other to grow into learn and to never settle for something that could be done better.  So if you’re someone that appreciate a good challenge, then come join us be part of something bigger, which is to serve in the kingdom of God.”

Kenny, Stage Team Volunteer


At Every Nation Church Taipei, our Communications Team collaboratively creates and delivers church content not just for our community, but to impact our neighborhood, city, and beyond. Join our team and contribute to visually communicating the heart and purpose of the Lord. Our team handles: Videography, Photography, Graphic Design, Social Media Management, and Website Management.
